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  GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENT 一般安全需知........................................................ 1
  WAREHOUSE SAFETY RULES 仓库规范................................................................... 3
  EMPLOYEE SAFETY REQUIREMENT 员工安全需知...................................................... 9
  VISITOR SAFETY REQUIREMENT 访客安全须知....................................................... 12
  INSPECTION RULE FOR STAFF LEAVE WAREHOUSE 员工离仓检查规定........................ 14
  CONTRACTORS SAFETY REQUIREMENT 合约厂商安全须知......................................... 16
  PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE 施工许可流程......................................................... 22
  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE 紧急准备及应变........................................ 25

  GeneralSafetyRequirement 一般安全需知
  Objective 目的
  To prevent or minimise man-made disaster by taking appropriate preventive measures.
  Scope 范围
  This procedure cover overall DESC Taiwan Co., Ltd. offices.
  此流程适用于 DESC 全体同仁
  Person(s) Responsible 人员责任
  The general safety requirements must be adhered by all employees, visitors, contractors and vendor.
  1.No smoking except in designated area.
  2.Smoking is only allowed during tea-break or lunch/ dinner time.
  3.No littering and loitering around restricted area.
  4.Do not eat at work place except at canteen or luncheon room.
  5.No packet drink outside canteen or at luncheon room, building compound and work place.勿在茶水间、用餐区外及工作区域内喝罐装饮料
  6.No alcohol and drugs at work place.
  7.any person present in or passing through an area shall observe the rules of that area.
  8.Running and horseplay are prohibited.
  9.Hold handrail on stairways.
  10. No gambling and sleeping.
  11. Follow safety instruction and observe all warning signage.
  Use pedestrian walk way and zebra crossing only when walking around the building compound. 行走于大楼外时,请使用人行道和斑马线。

  Warehouse Safety Rules 仓库规范
  1.To provide an environment in which employees work safely and to prevent any damages to property. 为提供员工一个安全的工作环境及避免任何财产受损。
  2.Protect the environment.维护环境
  This procedure cover overall DESC Taiwan Co., Ltd. offices. 本项流程规范适用于 DESC 全体员工
  Person(s) Responsible员工的责任义务
  1.It shall be the duty of the employer to ensure; so far as is practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all his/ her employees. 确保员工在作业上的安全卫生及工作 福利是雇主的责任。
  2.To cooperate with his employer or any other person in the discharge of any duty or requirement imposed on the employer or that person by this Act or any regulation made thereunder.与雇主或负责在法律上具有履行义务之负责或负责该相关法律的人合作。
  3.To wear or use at all times any protective equipment or clothing provided by the employer for the purpose of preventing risks to his safety & health instituted by or under his Act or any regulation made thereunder. 任何时侯皆穿着雇主提供之保护设备或 服装以避免任何违返法令之危害发生。
  4.To comply with any instruction or measure on occupational safety and health instituted by or under this Act or any regulation made thereunder. 遵守任何职业安全和 健康法规的解释及说明
  5.Environmental, Health & Safety Officer is responsible环璄,健康及安全管理员应负责
  5.1 To conduct safety induction to all new employees when report to work.安全简介给 所有新进员工
  5.2 To conduct safety awareness to all employees at least once a year.一年一次实施安 全需知课程给所有员工
  5.3 To review in house rules every year.一年一次检视仓库安全守则
  1Electricity Safety电器安全
  1.1Proper plug top and connection.适当的插入和连接
  1.2No damages cable and extension cord or twin cable. 电源线及延长线不可有损坏
  1.3Only authorized persons shall make repairs to or work on electrical apparatus.只有授权的人可以维修或操作电子仪器
  1.4Keep equipment and hands dry when working with or near electrical apparatus.当工作时及靠近电子设备时,保持设备和手的干燥
  1.5All equipment that has exposed metal parts and operates at a voltage that presents a shock hazards must be securely grounded before use.所有设备金属 及操作电压等具高危险物品时必须妥善确保安全。
  1.6All electrical wire must be considered live until proven that they are not.所有 电源金属线必须有用除非它们不能使用。
  1.7Overloading of electrical circuits is not allowed.电源不得超载
  1.8Do not bypass safety device provided. 不可跨越安全设备装置
  1.9Electrical panel must not be blocked at all time.电路板不可上锁
  1.10Extension cords can only be used temporary and must not be used for permanent wiring.延长线只能暂时使用不可长期使用
  1.11Keep electrical cords out of passageway or where they can be damaged.电源 线应远离人行道或其他具危险的地区
  1.12Electrical machinery that is deactivated for maintenance purpose shall be tagged and locked.                  电子机械在维修时应妥善的标示及上锁。
  1.13Appropriate instrument and tools shall be available for electrical work and are properly maintained and tested. 当实施电工时有适当工具与设备,并该设备有 委善的维护与经测试
  1.14Use proper plug and socket connection.使用适当插头及插座
  1.15Before working on electrical circuits ensures that the power is off and properly locked and tagged.当维修或处理电子回路时,请确保电源是关的并有上锁 和标示”施工中”
  1.16Cut off the power supply and calls for help immediately in the event of electrical shock.停电时,请立即切断电源并打电话寻求协助。
  2.1Do not obstruct staircase and free access. Ensure these areas are free from obstruction. 不可有物品阻碍出入口及楼梯,请确保这些地方是净空的。
  2.2Do not place goods or object to obstruct the fire fighting equipment. Always keep a clear access to the fire fighting equipment.不要于货物及任何物品阻碍灭 火器材。请保持灭火器材周围净空。
  3PME(Power MobileEquipment-电力移动式设备)
  3.1Only authorized or licensed personnel are allowed to operate power mobile equipment.唯有授权者或具有执照者允许操作电力移动操作仪器
  3.2Supervisors must check all PME at the beginning of the shift.在使用电力移动式 机械前, 主管必须检查所有设备
  3.3Do not operate PME without checking it ahead. Conduct routine check on the PME.在未检查电力设备前,请勿操作。并为这些电力设备实施例行检查。
  3.4PME must be parked properly in the designated area when not in use. 当不使 用电力移动式设备时,必须于指定区域停放妥当
  3.5Do not speed or drive without consideration for others. Always drive at a safe speed.不可超速,或心不在焉的驾车,随时保持安全行车速度。
  3.6Do not drive forward if the load in front obstructs your view.当前方有货物挡在 你视线范围时,不可以往前开。
  3.7Do not speed when you arrive at a corner, exit or near any person. Give warning horn and slow down your machine.当行经转弯、出口或有人靠近时,不 可加速,必须呜按喇只及放慢你的行驶速度
  3.8Do not allow anyone to pillion ride on your forklift, stacker or PME. .Stern disciplinary action will be taken against this violation that may tantamount to termination of service.不允许任何人骑坐在你的堆高机、升降机或任何电力移动机 器。所有违反规章者将终止契约以示严惩。
  3.9Drive carefully and do not allow anyone to walk underneath the forks when operating fork-lift or stacker. Always keep the fork low at height.当堆高机或升 降机操作时,请小心驾驶并不允许任何人在其底下经过。在高处作业时,随时保持叉座的 水平。
  3.10Always maintain clear and free operations area for better machine movement.随时保持清洁和操作区域净空以便让车辆移动。
  3.11Shut down the power, apply break and remove the key to inactive PME. Do not leave PME unattended.关闭电源,手拉手煞车及将钥匙取走,不可在没人在电力 移动式设备时离开




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